Christmas 2019

I am sitting here with Mike in bed sick,  Luke with a fever and Jack in questionable shape so thought it was a good time to recap Christmas.  Despite the last sentence, it was a GREAT Christmas!  Christmas Eve started with a trip to the zoo for the boys and me while Mike finished up at work.  After the zoo, we headed to Sacred Heart for church followed by Grandma and Grandpa coming over for soup and Christmas Eve festivities.  

Christmas Eve night didn't result in much sleep.  Luke woke up around 1:30 and every 45 minutes after saw him up again.  Jack started joining in the fun around 3:30 - I finally grabbed a blanket and slept on the floor of their room to keep everyone quiet!  

Santa showed up and even brought a "claw machine" as requested.  It is as much fun (and as loud) as one might expect it to be!   He also brought with him a puzzle, army "guys," Legos and filled stockings.  He was a big hit!

We had everyone over on Christmas Day from both sides of our families and Mike made a great ham,  YUM!  It was a lot of fun!  Jeannie and Bob and Ian and Whitney and all sorts of fun cousins came into town after Christmas for food, ice skating, Creighton basketball and more fun!  So much fun that we are now dealing with a little illness that hopefully goes away before the New Year!

Our elves were busy keeping an eye out for Santa before Christmas

Christmas Eve zoo fun

Cookies and milk and magic reindeer food: "This is for you! Santa, thank you for all  you do."

The "claw machine!"

Daddy and Luke relaxing 
