Well This Just Makes a Parent's Week!

We received these two notes the past week:

Hi Sigrid,
Last night when we were putting (child's name from day care) to bed,we were saying her prayers and she ended hers with "And thank you for my new friends at school, Luke and Jack."  It was so great for me to hear her talking about friends in her classroom, this past week was a big transition! I thought you might like to hear this too.   Please thank your boys for me for being such a great friend  to my little (child's name).  They have huge  hearts to be so welcoming to her.

Hi Sigrid and Mike.  I wanted to send this note to you because I was so  moved by his small act of kindness.  Yesterday one of our students was leaving early with their grandmother picking up.   When the student's grandmother arrived in our classroom, the student had to stop and put her shoes on in order to be able to leave.  The student was so excited and was trying to put her shoes on as fast as she could.  In the meantime, and  completely on his own without being asked by anyone, Jack went over to the child's cubby and gathered her coat, backpack, sweater and artwork.   He gathered this big armful of items to the student's waiting grandmother.  The student gave a big "Thanks, Jack!" as she finished putting on her shoes and the grandmother, as well as Ms. Emily, were so touched and impressed by this act of kindness.

A good week for the Moylan boys!!!
