18 Month Check-up

Luke:  31.5" tall (18%); 23lbs., 3oz. (35%); 49.4 cm head circumference (93%).
Jack:  32.3" tall (42%); 25lbs., 9 oz. (69%); 49.4 cm head circumference (93%).

What else:  continuing to run faster and fall less, starting to throw a ball, and talking more.  If I were guessing (and I could be off as it's hard to remember which boy says what!), both boys say somewhere between 10 and 20 words with meaning (i.e., ball = bah).  They are both really into looking out the window of our house at the cars, buses, trucks, and motorcycles and also like chasing a ball around (Jack) and playing with cell phones (Luke).  Jack and Luke both really enjoy going to a playground, watching the minimal amount of tv we allow, and singing songs.  Both boys are also really starting to like playing with other children a lot.  As always, we love them so much!

Bubble fun with the "big kids"
