A Variety of Things......

A little late year doctor appointment stats:

Luke: 29.0" tall (20%)  19 lb. 13 oz. (27%) and head size of 47.6 (87%)
Jack:  29.4" tall (34%)  21 lb.  7 oz. (52%) and head size 47.0 cm (74%)

Let's see what else---both boys are starting to say a few (strangely, the exact same) words.  Mostly a few Moms and Dadas (although we really can't say for sure that they are referring to us but we sure like to think so) and quite a few "dhis?" and "dhat?" (What's this? and What's that?).

Other than that, we had a nice visit with the Moylan family around New Year's.  Jeannie and Bob and Pat and the kids came up (we missed Beth as she was in Cleveland with her aunt who has been ill) and, of course, the Omaha Moylans and Salls were around as well!  There is always so much excitement with all the kids that we don't remember to take pictures very well--but we had a great time!


New Playhouse....err, jungle gym "Luke style"

New jungle gym, "Jack style"

Watch out world.....Jack (and Luke--we may need two) has a new vehicle AND his feet can finally reach the pedals (floor)!
