Hand Foot Mouth and More

The boys both started feeling feverish last Sunday and, after a quick (not quick) visit with the closest (not close) doctor's office open on Sunday evening, the boys were both diagnosed with Hand, Foot, Mouth which Mom and Dad decided sounds like a deadly infectious disease when it is, in fact, a relatively common childhood illness that doesn't even require medicine.  It does, however, require a few days away from daycare and a lot of Ibuprofen.  With that in mind, the last week has been pretty slim as far as pictures.

Luke is a little more cautious--Jack is always willing to "take the plunge" and fall over to try and get a toy!  Luke, on the other hand, will do everything in his power to avoid toppling over!  It's fun to watch them play.
Maybe a little deceptive that Mom or Dad's hands aren't in the picture making sure they don't topple over........
(The boys are almost identical heights.....Luke is leaning forward in this picture.)
