Six Month Doctor Visit (Stats)

Jack:  26.25" tall (34th percentile), weighs 16 lbs. 7.6 oz (30th percentile) and has a 44.6 cm (84th percentile) head circumference.

Luke:  26" tall (23rd percentile), weighs 15 lbs. 6 oz (13th percentile) and has a 44.4 cm (78th percentile) head circumference.

Although we did not have reason to think otherwise, it is always reassuring to hear they are doing all the "baby things" they are supposed to be doing (sitting-up, cooing, starting to eat solids, rolling over, etc.)

Tasty Toes
This is one matching outfit we always make sure the boys are wearing at the same time!!
(The shirt says "I'm the Favorite.")
Carrots aren't the best.....

Rice is better!
