Father's Day 2013

Dad's first Father's Day started out early (4:15) with a teething little guy.  Fortunately, the boys must have known it was Father's Day because after they got up for their 6:15 bottles they both slept/played quietly in bed with Mom and Dad until 8:00, which is not a regular occurrence at all!  They were such good boys Mom and Dad even got some additional sleep.

After a (still much needed) coffee run for Mom and Dad, the four of us went to Sacred Heart, followed by bottles, naps, more bottles and, of course, lots of playing.  All the boys' Grandparents then came over for dinner.  A good day for a good group of Dads!

All the Father's Day honorees!   
Dad showing off his gifts from Jack and Luke...we think the teachers at school may have helped them out a bit.......

Mom was around for the celebration, too.  She thinks all the Dads are pretty great!
