Uncle Bob Visits

Uncle Bob came to visit us from Chicago!  He was in town for work, and we were sure glad we got to see him.  Grandma and Grandpa Moylan came over for a visit as well.  The boys (and their parents) were excited to see everyone.  It had been a while!

It's been another busy week with Dad in Las Vegas for a conference on Monday and Tuesday.  We were fortunate that Grandma and Grandpa Mamminga came over to help Mom out as well as play with the boys both Monday and Tuesday night.

Other than that, Jack has discovered an endless source of entertainment (his feet) and Luke continues to prefer being held to anything else (which we secretly don't mind one little bit)!  Both boys are really sweet babies, and we feel very fortunate they are both our sons.

Uncle Bob and Luke

Uncle Bob and Jack......someone has a little "stranger danger" anxiety lately!

Jack "cruising" in his motorcycle walker

Happy it's almost a three day weekend!
