Four Months

The stats from the boys' four month check-ups and other "stuff."

Luke is 24.2" tall (13.4%), weighs 12 lbs. 14.4 oz. (7.36%) and his head circumference is 42.3 cm (68.9%).  Luke continues to enjoy being held and cuddling and really likes to very intently examine toys he is given.

Jack is 24.5" tall (22.6%), weighs 13 lbs. 9.8 oz. (14.05%) and his head circumference is 42 cm (60.4%).  Jack likes to see what's going on, loves to see the "big kids" at school and prefers to be held in a standing position if at all possible.

Both boys sleep through the night (10:30pm to 6:00am) pretty consistently , eat five times a day, smile, laugh, coo and keep the diaper companies in business.  It's been a lot of fun to watch them engage people with their smiles and laughs.  We couldn't be happier!

Escaped his "baby burrito!" 

Luke, too!  They won this round!
