Baseball and More

Mike and I recently had a discussion about our favorite things about each boy at four months.  Mike said that he loves how each boy's personality comes through in his expression and the way he looks at people.  They are quickly becoming little boys.  Luke looks at people VERY directly and intently while Jack tends to turn his head to the side a little and smile almost shyly. I said that I liked how Luke loves to cuddle yet make sure he is hanging off the side of whomever is holding him so he can still see what's going on and what I like best about Jack is his darling little laugh. Oh, and their hands....their little (Luke) and not so little (Jack) hands are just perfect!  Now if we could just figure out how to best cut the fingernails on those great little hands........

First baseball game!

Creighton 3; Rutgers 2 (Mom had to look the score up in the newspaper--we didn't last that long!)  PS-wonder what Luke saw off to the left......???!!
